Thursday, March 20, 2008

Scraps of Paper

Sometimes there are no bonds of blood.
Scraps of Paper.

Some scraps of paper that I have with me since almost forever... Got the first two from this little girl...

Notice the 'mine' changed to 'you'... it gives it a subtle new meaning which I'm sure she didn't think of since she was really small then... but hey, it rhymes :-)

The last one is from an eighty year old lady who I used to practice for elocutions with. I loved to visit her since see seemed to have all the answers. She wrote something behind.

Have a few more random scraps of paper...


Ree said...

random papers, random bits of memories, random bits of people that left random bits behind...?

Alistair D'souza said...

and those random bits influence the choices that we make ;-)
in some way or the other....